Carnotosaurus Height : 8 - 9m (Adult) Weight: 1000 - 3000kg Type of animal: Carnivore Lived: 83.5 million years ago -66 million years ago in South America Family: Abelisauridae Rank: Genus Copy and paste this link to get how dinosaurs went extinct In Hindi. I know most of you Indians doesn't understand English so I brought in Hindi. Hope you are well stay safe at home and pls follow my blogger Hey do you want to know how dinosaurs went extinct? Copy and paste the video link on left side Hope you all are well pls follow my blogger and stay safe at home.
Fastest Dinosa ur In The World Speed: 70 Kph Height: 3.5 metres Weight: 170 Kg Type of animal: Omnivore Lived: 65 to 75 million years ago in North America Family: Ornithomimidae Rank: Genus